This is something that was vaguely inspired by the recent video from No Doubt called 'New'. It looked very techno-punkish, so I decided to try my hand at recreating something of that sort. This story includes no sex or violence... Just nuzzling, so if you're offended by the lack of sex or by gratuitous nuzzling, please leave now ;) --- Kichebo --- ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] A lone hypergreen Teichert SpeedBike slowed as it reached a spot to rest while the rider forsaked it. Bright, almost garish neon lights proclaimed the entrance to the latest techno-rave to open on the dark rain-soaked strip. Dismounting from his bike, the lone figure made his way to thick metallic doors protecting the inside of the rave, ignoring the radio's blaring alert of higher-than-normal acid levels in the rain. Thumping bass and shrieking electric violin made the Rider's ears twitch involuntarily as he removed his helmet. Furres of all species and sizes bounced and swayed to the newest tune from the Acid Fire. The Rider shoved his way through the throng making his way over to a pure white Jackal fem thrashing about near the stage. He'd only met Aestra a few nights ago, but they seemed to share many of the same interests, including a matching affinity for indigo fur highlights. He moved up behind her and started dancing, waiting for her to turn and discover him. Perforing an elaborate move that almost looked like she was twisted around by a giant hand, she rose to be nose-to-chest with him, looking up briefly with that wild grin that drew him to her in the first place. Eyes locked, they resumed dancing for a few minutes longer until the music ended. They joined the group in shouting their approval to the band members before moving to the back of the room where several 4-foot-high tables stood without chairs. He ordered a pair of waters, then looked back to Aestra. "Y'look great!" He shouted over the resumed music. The waiter returned, delivering a pair of small plastic shot-cups full to the rim of water. The Rider handed over the $15 due the waiter, then turned his attention back to Aestra. "I love how your highlights are glowing in the BlackLight!" She grinned a bit at him. "You're too liberal with your compliments, Rider.... I didn't even have enough time to get a decent shower this morning." Rider swallowed his water. It was a luxury he rarely indulged in anymore, since polluted water had become pretty much impossible to purify about 10 years ago. He enjoyed the taste, though, and he found it strangely invigorating even though the FreeTonic was supposedly engineered to be the ultimate in refreshment. He snapped out of his thoughts and got the attention of Aestra, who was watching a psychadelic holo-vid of the music video that matched the music that was playing. "I'd like to show you something.... You bring your helmet?" She nodded and reached into her pocket, removing the ultra-light folding helmet from a pouch on her belt. He smiled and led her out toward his bike, donning his own helmet. He straddled the seat and smiled as Aestra's arms slid around his jumpsuit-clad waist. Starting the bike up, he leaned back briefly to speak over the quiet hum of the bike's motor. "You're gonna love this.... It doesn't happen very often, either." Aestra smiled and nodded toward the bike's control panel. "So start moving already.... You know that if we idle for too long, we might get a ticket." He nodded and kicked the bike into gear, sending the pair through the dark streets and out toward the slightly less populated areas. After passing the required checkpoint at the city limits, they traveled across the spotty grasslands. The minidisc in the control panel playing the music of their favorite band directly into their ears as they traveled. Rider slowed and stopped, killing the power to the engine and looking to the northeast, away from the city. Leaning back to speak to Aestra, he never took his eyes off the northeastern sky. "In a few moments, you'll see the most beautiful.... There... There it is!" The sky lit in a bright display that cycled through most of the visible colors and a few of the invisible ones. Rainbow fire burst from the horizon, spreading to encompass even the peripheral vision of the two furres. Aestra took in a deep breath and hugged closer to Rider's back, her eyes reflecting the display. "Just wait..." Rider whispered. "It gets better." The 'flames' started to get bigger.... or... they seemed to get bigger. Aestra suddenly realised that the flames were actually approaching. "Rider?" She whispered, her normally calm and assured voice faltering slightly. "What's happening?" He gauged the amount of time until the flames would arrive, then turned to speak to his friend. "Every eleven years, the activity of the solar flares and the sunspots reach a peak, sending a massive amount of radiation toward Planet. Now, the atmosphere used to be able to screen out most of it, but about a hundred years ago the sun particles started reacting with the toxins in the air, making the Rainbow Fire. "For no reason anyone seems to be able to explain, it begins at the horizon, then advances toward a certain point.... that we happen to be parked on. This display would kill someone that lived long ago, but we've grown up around the toxins, so we should be fine. The fire drew closer and closer, 50 feet away.... 20 feet away... then finally converged on the pair. Aestra squeaked briefly in surprise as the bright colors washed over them, then exploded into a bright column of white light. There was a brief shower of pure rain, then the assault on the senses of the furres abated, and they just sat there on the bike, holding each other, panting from the excitement and slightly wet. Rider blinked a few times to clear his vision, then he looked at his companion. Even though there were no ultraviolet concentrations nearby, and the fire had passed, Aestra's fur highlights still seemed to glow a bright purple. She noticed the effect too and grinned. "Well.... This is interesting. I bet I'll start a fad." Chuckling and starting the bike back up, Rider nodded to Aestra. "I think you look even better than ever right now." She smiled and buried her muzzle into the back of Rider's jacket, drifting off to a quiet sleep as they made their way back.